Responsible Parenthood

Parenthood is the outpouring of the marital joy. In their life long commitment to each other, the husband and wife are simply open to a new life. It is the fruit of the profound love they share with each other as spouses. This fruit is accepted by them with great responsibility. This responsibility entails the planning and the spacing of their children, done with great discretion and discernment.

To bringforth children, nature has designed the fertility cycle in every woman. She becomes fertile only once in a cycle. If the spouses would like to take advantage of the days of fertility, then they can plan to go for a child. If they are not prepared, then they can postpone the pregnancy. This is the way the Nature does it. Keeping this fact in mind, it is called Natural Family Planning.

The Responsible Parenthood Department diffuses this knowledge of Natural Family Planning by offering instructions to engaged couples and to the spouses. These instructions are being given at the Centre, at differnet hospitals and for the Programmes organised by the Centre. It normally follows the scientific Billings Ovulation Mucous Method (BOM).

The Department also enlightens the parents and the teachers of various Schools and Educational Institutions on the responsibile upbringing of their children in the different stages of their life. Parenting has been a great challenge in recent times, not only for the educators but also for the parents. Giving different insights in psychology and in human behaviour, this Department has been endeavouring to support parents and teachers (PTA) in their tasks of upbringing the child in a responsible manner.

To learn NFP with a DFSC approved NFP teacher call:
Panjim Office – (0832) 2224140
Margao Office – 8856935395

Natural Family Planning at Karwar Diocesan Family Commission

On 13th September 2024 ‘Natural Family Planning’ teachers’ team, Mr. Agnelo Cardoso & Mrs. Agusta Cardoso (couple), Mrs. Perpertua Desouza and Mrs. Francisca Fernandes from Diocesan Family Service Center, Goa delivered an awareness session on ‘Natural Family Planning’ method to the candidates preparing for marriage at the Karwar Diocesan Family Commission, Karwar. Francisca also enlightened the participants on the issues related to Prolife and the disastrous effects of abortion. Around 32 participants benefitted from the programme.

Report - Diocesan Family Service Centre, Goa Celebrated ‘Natural
Family Planning Day’ at St. Francis Xavier Church, Duler

21 st July 2024

The Parish Family Cell of the St. Francis Xavier Parish, Duler, were happy to host the Diocesan Commemoration of the day dedicated to Natural Family Planning on the 21 st of July 2024.

The programme began with the Eucharistic celebration at 8:30 a.m. during which care was taken to involve various couples from the Parish Family Cell in all aspects of the Mass. The Liturgy, curated by Fr. Albano Fernandes, the Director of the Diocesan Family Service Centre, Goa touched on many aspects of family life that grow as a fruit of practicing NFP. Even the sermon covered how NFP mirrored the message of the days readings to teach us about living our lives as per the will of Jesus, and not just our own way or the way of the world. Towards the end of the Eucharist, one of the representatives of the Diocesan Family Service Centre, Goa Mrs. Perpetua D’Souza shared her experience with Natural Family Planning and spoke about how it had helped her and her husband in their family life as also to grow closer to each other as a couple.

To commemorate the day, a special session was organized to remind and inform couples about the Catholic teachings related to NFP and to put forth the idea of it as a scientific, responsible and mature way of dealing with human sexuality. This was handled by Dr. Rupali Vernekar and Mrs. Perpetua D’Souza, of the DFSC. There was also a young couple from MFC invited, who shared their experiences with NFP and the joys and difficulties they encountered, yet emphasizing on how it really helped them grow to understand each other deeply and enriched their marriage and children too.

Fr. Anthony Fernandes the Parish Priest, expressed his gratitude to organise the day in his Parish, which he said was very enlightening and informative.

The couples attending the programme shared that it was indeed an informative and enriching experience for them, and such sessions were rare, yet very important to deepen the bond of marriage and family.

Awareness on breastfeeding at Merces and Curca (aganvadi)


Integrated Child Development Services (Aganvadis), Tiswadi Goa along with the Directorate of women and child development in collaboration with the Diocesan Family Service Centre Goa organized a programme on breastfeeding at Merces church hall, on the 7th of August 2023. Around 59 beneficiaries benefitted from these programme.


Integrated Child Development Services (Aganvadis), Tiswadi Goa along with the Directorate of women and child development in collaboration with the Diocesan Family Service Centre Goa organized a programme on breastfeeding at Merces church hall, on the 7th of August 2023. Around 59 beneficiaries benefitted from these programme.


Integrated Child Development Service (6 aganvadis from the Curca, bambolim and Telaulim panchayat) along with the Diocesan Family Service Centre and ‘Community Health Nursing Department’ (INE), organized a ‘ Breastfeeding Awareness’ programme on the 5th of August 2023, in one of the Aganvadi in Curca in the old Government school near the panchayat. Around 31 participants benefited from this programme. Poster competition on Breastfeeding was also held at the programme.

Natural Family Planning propagation Week- 16th to 22nd July 2023

On the occasion of the celebration of the NFP week, in the Archdiocese of Goa from 16th July to 22nd July 2023, The Diocesan Family Service Centre in collaboration with the primary Health Centre Chimbel, conducted a session on Natural Family Planning on the 20th July at Merces Church hall. 12 young mothers, a few with babies and 3 nurses benefited.The resource Team comprising of Dr. Rupali, nurse Perpetua and Mrs. Augusta Cardoso conducted the session.

Thanks to the medical officer incharge Dr. Jude, PHN Ana, and ANM Suvarna, who did all the ground work. Thanks to the helpers too.

Thanks also to Fr. Arnold for providing us the venue.

The diocesan Family Service Centre organized advocacy training workshop on Natural Family Planning on 21st July 2023 at primary health centre Aldona, in their conference hall. There were total 30 participants. The PHC staff and the staff of the sub centres. Among these there were infertile couples who benefited. Grateful to the health officer of PHC Aldona, Dr. Roshan Nazareth. The resource team of the DFSC conducted the session.

Natural Family Planning Day celebrated on 16th July 2023.

The Diocesan Family Service Centre celebrated Natural Family Planning Day at St. Francis Xavier Church, Chicalim on 16th July 2023. The Eucharistic celebration was held at 8 a.m. and the main celebrant was Fr. Albano Fernandes, the Director of DFSC. In his homily, he reflected on the importance of the way God designed how husband and wife should plan or postpone pregnancy by stressing upon the Word of God as the foundation of family life.

Before the final blessing Perpetua explained briefly but meaningful the importance of Natural Family Planning and Augusta gave her testimony and shared how Natural Family Planning helped them in their marital life.

The DFSC thanked the Pastors and the Parishioners for giving them the opportunity to celebrate this day in their Parish.