11th July De-population Day: To make aware the perils of depopulation


WPD 2016 English n Konkani

WPD Letter to Priests 2016

WPD Letter to Schools 2016


As you are aware, World Population day is observed around the world on the 11th of July every year to bring awareness about the so called Population explosion and the issues related to the same. But is there an actual population explosion? Are the resources of the world getting exhausted due to the so called ‘ever increasing population’? There is more respect to animal life than to human life. The laws of the country are very strict with animal life on one hand while abortion, contraception is promoted. Keeping this in mind, the Diocesan Family Service Centre (DFSC), Goa have decided to title the day ‘World Depopulation Day’, to highlight the adverse effects of depopulation on the human race.

The world population is on the decline. In fact the total fertility rate (TFR: average number of children that will be born to a woman in that particular geographical area) and the growth rate (GR) in most parts of the world have plummeted down to such an extent that from now on it seems near to impossible to even maintain the existing population. To replace our population we require a TFR of at least 2.1. In the World it is 2.42 (2015 est.), and in India it is 2.48 (2015), while in Goa it is 1.7 (2015) with only Uttar Pradesh and Bihar having a higher TFR of 3.1 and 3.3 respectively. Average age in the world is 29.9 (2015 est.) the highest population in the world being in the age group of 25-54 years: 40.98%, while in India it is 40.74%, not far behind. Who will sustain this population in the next decade if there are no more kids?

The TFR of some villages in Goa (2013/2014/2015) are as follows: Khorjuem = 1.0/0.9/1.05; Aldona = 0.85/0.65/0.65; Saligao= 1.35 (2012); Pilerne = 1.47 (2012); Socorro = 1.1/1.15 (2014/2015), Moira 1.6/1.55 (2014/2015) and Penha de Franca = 1.2/1.2 (2014/2015). All below the replacement level of 2.1 which is required for the sustainment of the population. Even if our married couples, from now on, bring forth 5 children per family, it won’t be just enough. Besides the infertility rate is also on the rise, estimated to be more than 20% in Goa.

The primary and high schools in Goa see more migrant than local children enrolled. The reason is not that most of our children are going to the so called ‘top class schools’ but that we do not have enough of our own children in our villages and cities for enrollment.


In the last year’s Pastoral letter, our Archbishop expresses his concern and makes a clarion call, “parents, having these teachings before them (the teachings of the Church), should fulfill their responsibility, even by making place for one more child. Thus, they are called to uphold their integrity and health by turning away from abortion, the use of contraceptives and of other means of exclusive sexual pleasure.” (PL 2015-16, No. 4.2). Hence we are called to promote not small but big families for better development as there will be more working hands and brains for development, in its true sense, of the nation. We are called to give up our contraceptive mentality and be open to life.


Fr. Kennet B. Teles

Director, DFSC



Dor vorsa, sonvsarant,dor vorsa, Julaiache 11ver, vaddtolea lok-sonk’kea voir ani taka lagu zatolea sogllea addkholli / proxnnam vixim, lokam modem zagrutai haddunk Ontoraxttrik Lok-Sonk’kea dis somorombhtat,. Punn khorench mon’xancho ankddo vaddta kai? Amkam soimban favo zal’leo vostu, sovloteo, hea vaddtolea ankddeak lagun khorench kobar zait vetat kai? Hacher barik niyall korun ani hea adhunik kallachi poristhiti monant dovrun, hea vorsak ami, Goy Dhormprantik Kuttumb Seva Kendran, hea disak, “Denvtole Lok-Sonk’kyecho Dis”. oso mhatallo  diunk ieujilam. Tor oxem kiteak kai?

Hea adhunik kallar, mon’xanchi sonk’kea hispa bhair denvot gel’li ami polletanv. Khorench mhollear zolmotolea bhurgeancho ankddo zor ami pollet zalear, to itlo denvlolo amkam disun ieta ki aichi lok-sonk’kea asa toxich pasun urteli mhonn disona. Mon’xancho ankddo vaddtolo zalear tor dor eke ostore fatlean  tin tori bhurgim zolmak haddunk zai. (Pikallponnachi Raxichalicho ankddo 2.1 asunk goroz). Ak’khea sonvsarant sod’sea asa to 2.42 (2015), Bharotant 2.48 (2015) , ani Gõyant  1.7 (2015). Fokot Uttar Pradesh ani Bihar-ant ho ankddo matso subez asa: 3.1 and 3.3.

Amchea Gõychea kaim ganvamnim ami pollet zalear, Pikallponnachi Raxichalicho ankddo (2013/2014) hea vorsamnim oso asa: Khorjuem = 1.0/0.9/1.05; Aldona = 0.85/0.65/0.65; Saligao= 1.35 (2012); Pilerne = 1.47 (2012); Socorro = 1.1/1.15 (2014/2015), Moira 1.6/1.55 (2014/2015) and Penha de Franca = 1.2/1.2 (2014/2015). Zorui amchea lognik zoddpeamnim, aiz thaun, panch pasun bhurgeank aplea kuttumbamnim zolmak haddlim zalear pasun ho denvtolo ankddo voir kaddunk pavchem nam,. Hache bhair, bhurgeanchem dennem nasloleam kuttumbancho ankddo vaddot veta to amakm dista. Amchea Gõyantuch odmaas kaddla to vis tok’kea voir asa mhonn gomun ailam.  Lokachi pirai sonvsarant (on an average) 29.9 (2015 est.) zaun asa, sogllea von chodd 25-54 vorsamche piraiechim: 40.98%, tor Bharotant ti chodd fattim na, 40.74%. Tor he pindkek fudlea dha vorsamnim, bhurgeamcho ankddo vaddona zalear,  konn postolo?

Amchea Gõychea iskolamnim Gõyam bhailea bhurgeancho ankddo amchea bhurgeam von odik asa. Amchim bhurgim vhodd-vhodd xhallamnim xiktat. oxem nhoi,  bogor amchea kuttumbamnim hea iskolamnim dhaddunk bhurginch nant.

Fatlea vorsa, aple Gonvllik Chittint, amcho Arsebisp, hea denvtolea lok-sonk’keacher usko dhakoun oso ulo korta “Kuttumbik mog ghov-bhailechea koblantintlean suru zata. He koblaticho ek bhag mhollear novea jivitachi seva: bhurgeank zolmak haddpachi. Az-kal amcheam ghorabeamnim bhurgeancho ankddo denvlolo ami polletanv… mhonntoch amcheam kuttumbamnim jivitachi sonskrutay fulounk vavrum-ia. Amchem Kuttumb Seva Kendr soimba pormonnem kuttumb-yevzonnecheam upayancho prochar kortanam osli vollokh dita; ani hache voir lokx ghalun, avoi-bapui apli zobabdari palltolim ani aplea kuttumbant anik eka bhurgeak tori zago dovortolim mhonn ast ballgita. Oxem, zolm-bondi vixim addeche upai, gorbhpatt ani her fokot lingi dhadosponn ghevpache upai nam vaprun, promannikponn ani bholaiki samballat mhonn tench kendr ulo korta” (GC 2015-16, No. 4.2).

Hakach lagun lhan nhoi punn vhodd kuttumb ghoddun haddunk amkam apoileant. Oxem kelear amkam odik hat ani chotolim monam (brains) mellteleo ani tea vorvim amchea desachi udorgot odik bore bhaxen zaunk pavteli. Amkam jivit kobar korunk nhoi bogor jivitachi sonvskrutay fulounk apoileant. Tor ugttea monan jivitachi sonvskrutay fuloupacho nirnnoi gheum-ia ani herankui xikoum-ia.


Pri. Kennet B. Teles

Sonchalok, DKSK



  1. Denvtole Lok-Sonk’kyecho Dis

Adhunik kallar ami zor pollet zalear, ak’khea sonvsarant monxancho ankddo zaitoch unno zait gela. Zorui tor dor’torer aslolea sogllea sat billion lokank Indonesia dhaddlole zalear, dor eka mon’xak donxim satt ani tin (273) sq.metr, ravunk suvat melltoli asli. Ani zorui tor tankam hache suater Amazon-ar vhelole tor dor ekleak ravunk sovai (3/4) kilometr zago melltolo aslo.


  1. Ontoraxttrik mollear mon’xancho ankddo hispa-bhair denvot gela

Ami zor bariksannen chintun pollelear, aiz amchim panvlam eka eksurea planet-a vatten vetat mhonn ami polletanv, zhoim bhurgeanchea hanxea suater moneponn astolem; kainch avaz ascho nam. Amkam amchea kuttumbantlea toddlolea sombondha khatir khub sonsche poddtolem ani fokot itlench nhoi punn fuddarak amchea zannteancho samball korunk tornni pindka pasun amkam mellchinanam.


  1. Vhodd Kuttumb – Khuxal kuttumb

Povitr Xikounn ani Firgojeche sonvskrutaient pollelear, vhodd kuttumb zaun asa Devachea axirvadachi toxench avoi-bapaichea udarponnachi nixannim. (CCC 2373).

Dor ek bhurgem zaun asa ut’tom dennem eka kazari jivitachem / sombondachem. (CCC 2378)


  1. Pikallponnachi Raxichalicho ankddo

Mon’xancho ankddo zor vaddtolo tor dor eke ostoren, tin tori bhurgeank zolmak haddchi goroz. (Pikallponnachi Raxichalicho ankddo 2.1 asunk goroz).





  • World Depopulation Day

The world is underpopulated. If all the 7 billion people residing on this earth were transported to Indonesia, each would get 263 sqm, space to live on. If they were taken instead to the Amazon, each would have ¾ of a Kilometre. Sq. Space for each of them. There is enough space for all.


  • World Population is on its way to an alarming decline

We are heading towards a more lonely planet, where the laughter of children will be replaced by silence, where we will suffer from a breakdown of our main support system (i.e. our families), where we have less young people to care for our aged.


  • Large Families- Happy Families

Sacred Scripture and the Church’s traditional practice see in large families a sign, of God’s blessing and the parent’s generosity (CCC 2373)

Every child is the ‘supreme gift of marriage’ (CCC 2378)


  • For a population to eve replace itself, every woman should have at least 3 children (i.e. TFR Total Fertility Rate should be at least 2.1)


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